Version 2.3 Release Notes |
The major change is that pixel format renderers were generalized for the use of high quality color spaces (16 bit per component). |
First of all, there are changes in include file names. The “capacity” numbers were removed from the names and now agg_pixfmt_rgb.h contains formats such as agg::pixfmt_rgb24 and agg::pixfmt_rgb48. Below if the table of changes. |
Old file | New File |
#include "agg_gray8.h" | #include "agg_color_gray.h" |
#include "agg_color_rgba8.h" | #include "agg_color_rgba.h" |
#include "agg_pixfmt_rgb24.h" | #include "agg_pixfmt_rgb.h" |
#include "agg_pixfmt_rgb555.h" | #include "agg_pixfmt_rgb_packed.h" |
#include "agg_pixfmt_rgb565.h" | #include "agg_pixfmt_rgb_packed.h" |
#include "agg_pixfmt_rgba32.h" | #include "agg_pixfmt_rgba.h" |
#include "agg_pixfmt_gray8.h" | #include "agg_pixfmt_gray.h" |
#include "agg_span_gouraud_rgba8.h" | #include "agg_span_gouraud_rgba.h" |
#include "agg_span_image_filter_rgb24.h" | #include "agg_span_image_filter_rgb.h" |
#include "agg_span_image_filter_rgba32.h" | #include "agg_span_image_filter_rgba.h" |
#include "agg_span_pattern_rgba32.h" | #include "agg_span_pattern_rgba.h" |
#include "agg_span_pattern_rgb24.h" | #include "agg_span_pattern_rgb.h" |
#include "agg_span_gouraud_rgba8.h" | #include "agg_span_gouraud_rgba.h" |
#include "agg_span_gouraud_gray8.h" | #include "agg_span_gouraud_gray.h" |
#include "agg_span_pattern_filter_rgba32.h" | #include "agg_span_pattern_filter_rgba.h" |
#include "agg_span_pattern_filter_rgb24.h" | #include "agg_span_pattern_filter_rgb.h" |
Color formats supported by agg_pixfmt_rgb.h: |
pixfmt_rgb24 | pixfmt_rgb24_pre | pixfmt_rgb24_gamma |
pixfmt_bgr24 | pixfmt_bgr24_pre | pixfmt_bgr24_gamma |
pixfmt_rgb48 | pixfmt_rgb48_pre | pixfmt_rgb48_gamma |
pixfmt_bgr48 | pixfmt_bgr48_pre | pixfmt_bgr48_gamma |
Color formats supported by agg_pixfmt_rgba.h: |
In agg_pixfmt_rgb_packed.h added exotic formats, 32 bits per ptixel, such as pixfmt_rgbAAA. Suffix "AAA" means "10 bits per component" (0xA, corresponds to r10g10b10", "BBA" means "r11g11b10". |
Color formats supported by agg_pixfmt_rgb_packed.h: |
File agg_pixfmt_gray.h supports 8- and 16-bit grayscale buffers. |
Now agg_color_rgba.h contains the following definitions: agg::rgba, agg::rgba8, agg::rgba16. |
Former agg_gray8.h is renamed to agg_color_gray.h. It's not very logical (gray isn't a color), but it's done for the sake of consistency. It contains agg::gray8 and agg::gray16. |
The conversion policy is that any color type must have
constructors with agg::rgba (double r,g,b,a in range 0…1) and
agg::rgba8 (integer, in range 0…255). I also removed constructors
from packed integer, that is, instead of former |
It was a mistake to call the RGB and RGBA orders like agg::order_bgr24, because the order of components doesn't depend on the capacity. So, please remove the numeric values from the order names where they are used, i.e., agg::order_bgr24 → agg::order_bgr, etc. |
The high capacity colors introduce a problem of byte order on different platforms, that is, Big-Endian/Little-Endian. But handling different byte orders on-the-fly would be too expensive, so that, if you use high capacity colors, you have to take care of the output byte order if it's different from what is used in your hardware. |
The main change in gradients is that now you can use arrays of colors of any size. Before it was hardcoded 256 colors. As the result, you now cannot just declare a static color array and parametrize the gradient type with it. For example: |
Before: |
typedef agg::span_gradient<agg::rgba8, interpolator_type, gradient_func_type, const agg::rgba8*, span_allocator_type> span_gradient_type; |
Now: |
typedef agg::pod_auto_array<agg::rgba8, 256> color_array_type; typedef agg::span_gradient<agg::rgba8, interpolator_type, gradient_func_type, color_array_type, span_allocator_type> span_gradient_type; |
You can use any available container as a color array, the gradient template requires just two things to be defined: |
unsigned size(); const value_type& operator [] (unsigned i); |
So that, you can use any available container or adaptor, such as: agg::pod_array_adaptor, agg::pod_auto_array, agg::pod_array, agg::pod_deque, or any standard one, such as std::vector. |
The same is appicable to agg::span_gradient_alpha. |
The only change in Gouraud shaders is declarations. Just change |
You can also use agg::rgba16. Similarly change |
All image transformers are also generalized: |
Before: |
typedef agg::span_image_filter_rgb24_bilinear<agg::order_bgr24, interpolator_type> span_gen_type; |
Now: |
typedef agg::span_image_filter_rgb_bilinear<agg::rgba8, agg::order_bgr, interpolator_type> span_gen_type; |
Patterns are changed in a similar way, plus there's a new possibility to have a wrap function, like in GDI+. |
Before: |
typedef agg::remainder_auto_pow2 remainder_type; typedef agg::span_pattern_filter_rgba32_bilinear<agg::order_bgra32, interpolator_type, remainder_type, remainder_type> span_gen_type; |
Now: |
typedef agg::wrap_mode_repeat_auto_pow2 wrap_type_x; typedef agg::wrap_mode_reflect_auto_pow2 wrap_type_y; typedef agg::span_pattern_filter_rgba_bilinear<agg::rgba8, agg::order_bgra, interpolator_type, wrap_type_x, wrap_type_y> span_gen_type; |
The same is about the simple pattern fill (without transformations): |
Before: |
typedef agg::span_pattern_rgba32<agg::order_rgba32> span_gen_type; |
Now: |
typedef agg::wrap_mode_reflect_auto_pow2 wrap_x_type; typedef agg::wrap_mode_reflect_auto_pow2 wrap_y_type; typedef agg::span_pattern_rgba<agg::rgba8, agg::order_rgba, wrap_x_type, wrap_y_type> span_gen_type; |
You can use the following wrap mode adaptors: |
agg::wrap_mode_repeat // Arbitrary size (slow) agg::wrap_mode_repeat_pow2 // Size truncated to the nearest power of 2 (fastest) agg::wrap_mode_repeat_auto_pow2 // Automatically choosen agg::wrap_mode_reflect agg::wrap_mode_reflect_pow2 agg::wrap_mode_reflect_auto_pow2 |
Added files agg_span_image_filter_gray.h and agg_span_pattern_filter_gray.h to transform 8- and 16-bit gray scale images. The declarations are very similar to the RGB version. |