- Rendering of arbitrary polygons with Anti-Aliasing and Subpixel Accuracy.
- Gradients and Gouraud Shading.
- Fast filtered image affine transformations,
including many interpolation filters (bilinear, bicubic,
spline16, spline36, sinc, Blackman).
- Strokes with different types of line joins and line caps.
- Dashed line generator.
- Markers, such as arrowheads/arrowtails.
- Fast vectorial polygon clipping to a rectangle.
- Low-level clipping to multiple rectangular regions.
- Alpha-Masking.
- A new, fast Anti-Alias line algorithm.
- Using arbitrary images as line patterns.
- Rendering in separate color channels.
- Perspective and bilinear transformations of vector and image data.
- Boolean polygon operations (and, or, xor, sub) based on Alan Murta's
General Polygon Clipper. |